Sunday, December 31, 2006

So I've been back for, umm, 12 days. Still left with 15, technically 14. That's 2 weeks.

I'm kind of looking forward to going back, but I think it's just because I still have 2 weeks left, I'm already feeling a little better about being home and then leaving again, and yeah, that.
Don't think I'll be feeling the same when I really have to go back. Not really a good start to a new term - jetlag, homesickness, lots-of-errands, and yeah, that.

It's depressing just thinking about that. And it's just me. Doesn't that suck?

Posted by Min @ 4:17 PM, ,

Monday, December 25, 2006

Dinner at 중화각

Outside Wisma Atria, obviously...

Outside Hereen
Opposite Paragon


Nah, this is Orchard Road for X-mas! Nothing fantastic, huh? o.0 Just a whole bunch of people, packed on the streets like a can of sardines. Seriously, there were more people there than on the Quad and Green in between classes.

Posted by Min @ 2:03 AM, ,

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Yeah, I'm back - and my teeth hurt again. :P
The 2.5 year long process has started again! I've tightened my braces. And it's prolly gonna take another 6 months before I'll be able to take it out. 'Cause the stupid teeth moved and did the macarena while I was in the US. Sad, no? And I gots to go take another x-ray of my teeth - at least its at Cairnhill so I can walk down to town after that.
So, anyone wants to go with me? I'll prolly go today or something.

It's been raining non-stop since I got here! Wednesday wasn't all that bad though, got a bit of sun in the early afternoon. My papa said it was to welcome me to Sg! Lol. But it's started raining again! I think I'm being told to go back?

And I would go back! If I wasn't here to see my family in the first place.

So I met up with NETTY last night at Siglap.

Haha, retarded lady~ Love her to BITS&PIECES, right down to her manicured toenails! :P

Hmm, don't know what my plans are for the next month. Bah. I'll update with pictures of what went on post-finals in C-U!

Posted by Min @ 10:59 AM, ,

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I'm back in Singapore.


Posted by Min @ 7:39 PM, ,

Friday, December 15, 2006

Sitting here, on my bed at 3AM Friday morning. I just got back from... somewhere. I forgot the name of the club. o.O

My head's kinda pounding. I gotta be up in 4 hours to shower and go down for breakfast. Let's try my luck once more, huh? Pray for me Netty! :p

Uhh, anyways... Lol. I'm suck at blogging. I always get bored halfway through and stop.

And I just typed I'm suck at blogging. That doesn't even make sense!

Er. Gonna go take a shower now.

Posted by Min @ 4:52 PM, ,

Sunday, December 10, 2006

(In Lin Yan's room, sitting on the floor, lappie on the ironing board.)

Photos courtesy of my Moto Razr

It's Saturday night, just a day to Finals week.
I don't have any papers till Wednesday, but I gotta be in class at 8am on Monday for SPCM 101. Yikes. 8am? I can barely wake up for 9am classes, and I gotta go in at 8am on a Monday! Thank god I already gave my last speech on Friday!

Thursday Night=PARTY100


A little more than a week before I fly home.

I'll prolly die of a heat stroke though.

But I don't care, as long as I'm home.

I've got 2 review sessions tmr. Econ at 1pm, CS at 3pm. At least they're at the same venue. Prolly stay in Wohlers if it ends early. Ugh.

Posted by Min @ 12:10 PM, ,

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Okay okay, I'm updating the blog!

(Listening to: Fergie - London Bridges)

Such a weird song, kinda. Nice beat though. But it reminds me of Gwen Stefani and the Pussycat Dolls. They all sound the same. So basically, if you like one, you might like all. Spoilt for choice.

Anyways, I stopped updating during Thanksgiving Break 'cause I couldn't get connected in Florida. Actually I could, but only if I braved the cold and stood outside the house on the sidewalk. I did, for a bit, maybe 10 minutes at a time. It was COLD in Florida! Apparently, a cold front hit the area when I was there. Lucky me~

Some pictures (You can get more if you ask me, I've uploaded them somewhere) -

Me and Hui Wei on the plane to Miami!

The sun setting.
On the Miami highway.

Water Tank? See, Sunshine State!

And me being the idiot that I am, deleted a bulk of the Florida photos in my utter stupidity this afternoon. I just found out. I am such an idiot... (Shoots self)

Posted by Min @ 8:52 AM, ,

And I think I can only upload 5 photos per entry? So here's Orlando -

The dinner and show.


The Twister destroyed my home, and my truck too.

The Grinches that stole Christmas!

And the gloooobe!
There's also DisneyWorld. Go on to the next post.

Posted by Min @ 8:48 AM, ,

And my first trip to DisneyWorld!

The castle. It's really pretty.

Donald, Minnie, Mickey & Goofy!!

Me and my home behind me.

(: Muack POOH!

The castle at night.

And I'm so pissed, now I gotta get the photos all over again. Photos which I took millions of years trying to sort properly! Grr.

Posted by Min @ 8:42 AM, ,

And that's my trip to Florida. There aren't any photos of the beaches, 'cause I kind of deleted them. Yeap. But they're in my online album, so I guess you can ask me for the URL.

Anyways, it's been a heck of a week since break ended. Too many things to do, too little time. It's only 1 more week of classes, then it'll be Finals Week.

Which is kinda stupid for me, since 3 of my 'finals' are next week - ANTH 143, COMM 166, SPCM 101. I'm so dead. Dead, dead, dead. Plus a presentation for COMM 166. At least there won't be anymore CS 105 lectures or labs. Which leaves my MW 9am slots free. Too bad I still have the W ECON 202 discussion at 8am.

Oh oh! And it SNOWED yesterday, December 1st! It's really prettttty. I got to see a white campus before I leave.

Yeah, snow.

The pond outside Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall.

While waiting for 21 Quad to come.

Behind LAR!

Pretty and White. Too bad I couldn't get the Quad in white!! It was freezing cold though. My hands turned red and stiff 'cause I had to hold the camera if I wanted to take photos! Then Edmond came and splayed me with snow. And of course - retaliation! Equals to even colder hands! We had to take refuge in Allen for a while before heading to Busey for lunch!

Anyways, its Saturday already. My speech outline is due on Monday. Gotta start doing that, but I'm waiting for my TA's reply. Bleeeah.

I'm flying back next, next Monday. Can you believe it? It's coming!! I'm going HOME soon!! (: Definitely happy. But thinking about the work I have to finish before I can fly home? Nonono. Not looking forward to that... I'll definitely have to do some touristy shopping in Chicago before I leave. Haven't gotten anything yet. Blagh. What am I even supposed to bring back anyways? Memorabilia of Chicago? Stuff that people will leave to collect dust on their shelves? Is food more practical? And fun to eat? What do you guys want? o.O

Heh, I do have something for Wilfred and Wee Chin though! Hope they like it. It's got something to do with bball. And Biny's t-shirt! I'll go take another look at HotTopic before I leave! And lots of birthday presents to get! Yikes. I missed so many birthdays. ): Think I won't have a choice but to bring back both suitcases.

Is that enough of an update?

Posted by Min @ 8:35 AM, ,