Sunday, July 15, 2007

We smashed Jeremy head-first into his little cake there after this photo was taken. Sigh, actually we didn't. I wish we did though.
That was Thursday night. Rushed down to Mich's place after that to change and pick her, Alicia and Xinwei up. Then Mel. Lucky girl is graduating by the end of this year. And I'll still be in my 3rd semester only. And off to Zouk! Where I only got 2 shots, which I had to beg for with Mich! The event itself was the most boring thing ever. Hot tranny though! HAHA. And cute No. 10!
Friday night, I hit Arab Street with the gang. Well Arab St after dinner at Lau Pa Sat. Where the set time of 630PM was totally disregarded. Kurn and I were waiting almost 2 hours! We could've had an appetizer, main course, dessert, drinks and they still would've been MIA.
After dinner we did the whole, standing-in-a-circle-blocking-traffic Singapore thing. Haha! Which is what happens outside Man Wok, Lai Lai Wok, and any other Wok! And finally decided to go to Arab St! (Choices: Marina Bowling, Cuppage Pool, Unknown Bar, Simpang Bedok.) You can imagine how long we were standing there trying to decide.

Smoking shee-sha is good for you! While you are taking in smoke, it does not have any tobacco in it! So you don't get addicted. Side effect? You might get addicted to breathing in smoke. And then upgrade to actual ciggys.
Kurn! Who saw Eugene doing his ----star pose below.
Eugene looking like a ----star.

Ahhh. And Sunday. Woke up early to go to Holy Fam with MT. Then met Fiona to go down to Experiences at Suntec. Where I saw Green-Bag, and Blue-Stripe-Earring. =)~ Then I saw Black-Jacket. After which spoilt my mood. SIGH! And I gorged myself. ): Yoghurt + Ice Cream + Some Indo dessert. See what depression does? Bad bad road to go down.

Posted by Min @ 8:39 PM,


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