Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm the worst updater ever. I'm sorry. Do people even come here anymore?

I'm back in Singapore already though. And I've met like, the whole bunch of you at one shot too! It was great being back and hanging out with you guys again. Just like back in the ole JC days.
When we were young! We had fun! We barely studied! We skipped classes! We had fun! We were young. Feel aaaalright.

And there are ants crawling over my white macbook. It's like... black on white? I can see you, you stupid ant, and very clearly too. Stupid ant. Ants annoy me. Especially when they're crawling around my table. I mean, if I see you on the ground, it's your territory, so I don't mind. But on my table?


Posted by Min @ 9:53 AM, ,